+41 31 312 27 54



Our philosophy


Communication is prerequisite to satisfaction of client needs. Therefore, at every stage of the relationship we value communication that is in particular open (i.e. both or all parties are actively involved)  and effective (i.e. all involved feel that the desired result has been achieved).

We understand communication as a process for knowledge transfer, for which reason we mainly use modes that can be consulted again when needed.

At VAT plus we assume that you value your time as much as we do ours. Consequently, we expect that both sides will not detain each other with issues that do not need involvement from or confirmation by the other side.

As far as needed

VAT plus has experience with problem solving, either in case of diverging ideas held by taxable subjects and the competent authorities about compliance relevant issues, or when contract parties have different opinions about the appropriate legal situation.

However, problem solving does not automatically mean litigation. But VAT plus is willing to continue as long as needed. Appropriate action can also include to leave the national battle grounds for what they are for the moment and instead follow other paths, like for example initiate diplomatic (trade) action or moving a case to the level of international law.

First choice

VAT plus is serving a substantial number of companies for several years now (some more than 20+, 15+, 10+ or 5+ years), and is grateful for been given this opportunity and trust. Of course we are happy with every new engagement, but if VAT plus is not your first choice we prefer to waive an engagement.

Our business is driven by the same entrepreneural fundamentals as embraced by the foreign companies that are assisted by VAT plus. Therefore, mean & lean, costs control, transparency of fees are not hollow phrases to us.

We consider our fees competitive, but we do not want to be compared with non-legal or not academically educated services suppliers. VAT plus has a flexible fee structure, with alternative pricing arrangements when appropriate. However, VAT plus does not join the contest of underbidding or similar destructive fee policies that end in base-erosion.

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